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Kora Trade Commission to launch Industrial Damage Response Centers
  • Registration date2024-07-19
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The Korea Trade Commission (Chairman: Lee Jaemin, KTC) of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) organized 22 Unfair Trade Practice and Industrial Damage Response Support Centers for industry associations and organizations to provide comprehensively support for Korean companies addressing damaged caused by unfair trade practices. The commission held a launch conference on July 19.

On June 26, to encourage businesses to utilize the trade remedy systems, the KTC revised the relevant public notice to add industrial damage response to the functions of the existing Unfair Trade Practice Reporting Centers and renaming the centers to Unfair Trade Practice and Industrial Damage Response Support Centers (Support Centers) in order to strengthen companies' utilization of the trade remedy system.

The launch conference was attended by KTC Chairman Jaemin Lee, Standing Member Younggil Chun, and Support Center representatives, who shared the main tasks and roles of the Support Center and the support to be provided by the KTC, and discussed the future activities of the Support Centers.

Chairman Lee said, “With the launch of the Unfair Trade Practice and Industrial Damage Response Support Center, we will be able to comprehensively support Korean companies as they deal with industrial damage,” urging the support centers to actively introduce the trade remedy system to their member companies. He added, “We will continue to improve the relevant systems to provide quick and effective remedies against unfair trade practices such as dumping and intellectual property infringement.”