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Korea’s future talent for advanced technology to take part in Korea-U.S. youth exchange initiative
  • Registration date2024-07-29
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The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) announced on July 29 its plans for the second-round selection of students for a Korea-U.S. youth exchange support program. The program is part of implementing the “KorUS Educational Exchange Initiative for Youth in STEM” in accordance with the bilateral summit outcomes reached in April 2023. 

The “KorUS Educational Exchange Initiative for Youth in STEM” is a USD 30 million grant initiative (2024–2027) launched to support the large-scale exchange between 2,023 Korean students and 2,023 U.S. students in commemoration of last year marking the two countries’ 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. For eligible Korean students majoring in natural sciences and engineering, the program will provide them the opportunity to study at U.S. universities and experience the U.S.’ high-tech industries and advanced technologies via field trips and webinars.

MOTIE selected 222 Korean students in the first half of this year for the program’s first-round scholarship and will select another 118 eligible students in the second half for the second-round scholarship for next year’s spring semester exchange. Further information is available at universities’ offices for international affairs and on Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT)’s website (