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Korea and Saudi Arabia to make joint efforts for Korea-GCC FTA’s swift entry into force
  • Registration date2024-07-30
  • Attached file

Trade, Industry and Energy Minister Dukgeun Ahn met Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Commerce Majid bin Abdullah Al-Kassabi on July 30 in Seoul to discuss measures for trade and investment expansion, follow-up to the two countries’ economic summit diplomacy, and for the Korea-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Free Trade Agreement (FTA)’s swift entry into force.

Minister Ahn expressed high regard for the summit diplomacy exchanges held over the last two years (Saudi Arabian Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman’s visit to Korea in November 2022, followed by President Yoon Suk Yeol’s state visit to Saudi Arabia in October 2023) with respect to bolstering bilateral ties and underscored that the conclusion of the Korea-GCC FTA last year has further solidified the two countries’ institutional economic cooperation. The minister asked Saudi Arabia's support as a member of the GCC for expediting the legal scrubbing process on both sides, as domestic procedures for the FTA’s entry into force can commence only upon the finalization of the FTA Agreement. MOTIE plans to complete the Agreement in September, then consult with GCC countries with aim to make as much progress as possible with the formal signing and necessary domestic procedures.

Meanwhile, Minister for Trade Inkyo Cheong attended the Korea-Saudi Business Forum launched on the same day, co-hosted by Korea’s Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) and the Saudi Ministry of Commerce and co-organized by both countries’ Chambers of Commerce at the Westin Josun Seoul. From Saudi Arabia, an economic delegation of 80 members participated in the event, including Minister of Commerce Majid bin Abdullah Al-Kassabi among other high-level government officials and business figures. From Korea, roughly 170 representatives from 100 companies attended, including those of Kolon Group and Hyundai Motor Group.

Also participating in the Forum are Aljomaih Energy & Water Company (AEC), Abdulaziz Saud Abunayyan Trading, and Al Yamama, which are Saudi companies known to have created economic summit diplomacy outcomes, leading to anticipation that further progress will be made with regard to the timely implementation of contracts and memorandums of understanding (MOUs) signed during the meetings in Seoul (November 2022) and Riyadh (October 2023), as well as the uncovering of additional joint projects.

Moreover, with the Korea-GCC FTA poised to open up services markets across Korea and the Middle East, Saudi companies specializing in healthcare, entertainment, food, and other relevant sectors displayed interest by seeking new business opportunities with Korean firms at the Forum. 
In his welcome address, Trade Minister Cheong stated that the two countries’ cooperation has, in step with the Saudi Vision 2030, expanded to key industries like automobiles and shipbuilding, and highlighted that the Korea-GCC FTA is expected to not only diversify trade in goods like medical devices, cosmetics, and food products, but also spur services market exchanges in industries like film and healthcare as well.