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Investigation shows 40 ODP products fail to meet safety standards
  • Registration date2024-08-29
  • Attached file

The Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) announced today that an investigation on 190 popular items sold on overseas online platforms with a large number of domestic users has found that 40 of them fail to comply with Korea’s safety standards.

Against the backdrop of increased safety concerns over overseas direct purchases (ODPs), the investigation was conducted on 190 best-selling items sold on overseas online platforms. As a result, 21.1 percent of them failed to meet safety standards, comparatively higher than the performance of domestic retail goods (6.1 percent) investigated during the first half of this year.

Fourteen out of the investigated 66 electrical appliance products failed the safety check—direct current power supplies (8), LED apparatuses (3), power plugs and sockets (2), and waffle-makers (1). Among the 30 daily necessity items investigated, 11 tested as unsafe, including portable lasers (3) and helmets (2). Fifteen out of 94 children’s products that failed safety standards were textile goods (7), toys (4), and baby carriers (1).

KATS has disclosed the product information of the abovementioned 40 items on related websites (, and requested ODP platform operators to block the selling of these items. KATS plans to keep expanding the scope of safety investigations on ODP products in view of the high level of public concern, with the second round slated for September.