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Trade Minister Cheong chairs International Seoul Symposium 2024
  • Registration date2024-08-29

Korea’s Minister for Trade Inkyo Cheong chaired the International Seoul Symposium 2024 on August 28 at the Lotte Hotel Seoul under the theme of rebuilding the WTO dispute settlement system amid the changing trade environment.


The Symposium had the world’s top experts speak on the topic, including Petros Mavroidis (Professor of Law at Columbia Law School), Mark Wu (Henry L. Stimson Professor at Harvard Law School), Joost Pauwelyn (Professor of International Law at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva), and Kathleen Claussen (Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center). The Ottawa Group ambassadors to Korea and other experts also engaged in the discussions and Q&A sessions following the keynote speeches.


Trade Minister Cheong stated that Korea will continue to proactively take part in the work on reforming the WTO’s dispute settlement body and other major functions, so that it can keep playing a relevant role in accordance with the changing trade landscape.