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Korea and Czech Republic hold 2nd Supply Chain and Energy Dialogue (SCED)
  • Registration date2025-02-17
  • Attached file

Minister for Trade, Industry and Energy Dukgeun Ahn of the Republic of Korea held the second Supply Chain and Energy Dialogue (SCED) meeting with the Czech Minister for Industry and Trade Lukáš Vlček today in Seoul.

Launched in September 2024, the SCED is a Korea-Czech Republic cooperation channel for enhancing bilateral strategic partnership under the aim to establish comprehensive and across-the-board economic cooperation in areas like trade, industry, and energy, including nuclear power.

Today’s second SCED meeting was held to take stock of cooperation progress in trade, investment, supply chains, advanced industries, carbon-free energy, and nuclear power and to hold in-depth discussions on cooperative measures going forward.

In view of the global rise of protectionism, both sides shared best practices for supply chain crisis response and measures to expand bilateral trade. For advanced industries, they discussed steps to establish centers for collaboration in battery, future mobility, and robots and entered a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for bilateral semiconductor cooperation in R&D and manpower training. 

Regarding carbon-free energy, the Korean delegation shared Korea’s energy efficiency policies in industry, energy, and transportation areas and both sides agreed to bolster cooperation in developing clean hydrogen technology. Noting Korea’s smooth progress in the nuclear reactor contract negotiations in accordance with the predetermined timeline and procedures, the two sides further discussed cooperation in joint R&D and manpower training.

At the Korea-Czech Republic investment and business conference held on the sidelines of the SCED meeting where the two countries’ relevant businesses and institutions signed a total of six MOUs, Minister Ahn expressed anticipation for wider bilateral trade and investment as well as cooperation across various areas including advanced manufacturing, supply chains, and energy.

In light of the two countries’ 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and the 10th anniversary of their bilateral strategic partnership, Minister Ahn proposed that Korea and the Czech Republic enter a new dimension of cooperative ties by smoothly facilitating the final contract for the construction of new reactors in the Dukovany region.