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Korea's eco-friendly mobility regulatory framework to undergo renovation!
  • Registration date2024-02-05
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
Korea's Eco-Friendly Mobility Regulatory Framework about to undergo RENOVATION for Enlarging Playing Fields for Mobility Firms!
Eco-Friendly Mobility Regulatory Innovation Measures
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
MOTIE will... Remove obstacles hindering corporate investment!
Facilitate corporate investment via risk sharing
Subsidize future mobility investors' local investment & nurture future mobility MPE (materials, parts, equipment) cluster
Foster the basis for creating new business opportunities
Activate integrated mobility open data platform & allow special-purpose micro EVs
Reduce burden on companies regarding certification & evaluation
Modify eco-friendly subsidies evaluation criteria & improve hydrogen gas leak test
Improve regulatory framework for promoting use of eco-friendly cars
Promote the spread of eco-friendly vehicle purchase target system and allow hydrogen charging for machinery and equipment

Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
...Reduce burden on companies by nurturing safe ecosystem!
Strengthen capacity for fire prevention & response
Strengthen regular evaluation of EVs & improve fire extinguishing method
Realistically adjust safety management standards
Establish management platform for EV charging facility & expand the range of charging station safety management
Foster future car servicing ecosystem
Strengthen EV mechanic servicing and allow for wireless updates for electronic brake system
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
...Augment User-Friendly Environment!
EV cost reduction
Raise electric economy and push for exemption and discount of parking lot fees when charging at public parking lots
Permit electric power transactions of EVs
Allow for individuals' power transactions using EVs, accelerate the use of car-object telecommunication (V2X)
Expand distribution of user-friendly charging stations
Place greater weight on installation of high-speed chargers & prioritize support for fixing old apartment power infrastructure
Improve standards for charging station use and installation
Expand range of charging disruptive behavior, reflect realistic standards for charging zone indicators
Raise utilization rate of charging stations
Strengthen management of existing charging stations & establish integrated data system
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
"The Korean Government will promptly roll out the eco-friendly mobility regulatory innovation measures to remove obstacles hindering growth and open market doors wide!"