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Boost the real economy with private-led, growth-oriented industrial strategies
  • Provide more regulatory support to businesses by reforming the investment regulations and revise the system to better tailor and promote corporate growth
  • Create new manufacturing and service industries through the digital and green transition of existing industries
Play a leading role in innovation activities through more performance- and goal-oriented industrial technology R&D
  • Establish a leading technology innovation system for the implementation of large-scale R&D projects
  • Provide stronger incentives for innovation through supporting commercialization of the entire R&D cycle
Enhance energy security and prospects of achieving carbon neutrality by taking a scientific approach in restructuring energy policies
  • Establish an energy mix and energy supply network where nuclear and new renewable energy are well-balanced
  • Build a high-efficiency and low consumption energy structure and promote energy-related new industries
Serve as a spearhead for improving industrial competitiveness by bolstering new trade policies
  • Play a leading role in stabilizing the global supply chain and the new trade order for the Indo-Pacific region
  • Take the initiative in expanding new trade in digital and service sectors and in establishing international trade rules