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MOTIE and KORAD call for site proposals for underground high-level radioactive waste research facility
  • Registration date2024-06-18
  • Attached file

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) and Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD) are calling for site proposals for underground facilities for high-level radioactive waste research beginning June 18 in accordance with the radioactive waste management technology development measures specified in the Korean government’s second high-level radioactive waste management basic plan (December 2021) and the High-Level Radioactive Waste R&D Roadmap (February 2024).


The underground research facilities are for conducting studies on Korea’s rock mass properties and disposal system performance at 500m underground, at a depth similar to that of disposal facilities. The research facility will be built at a site entirely separate from high-level radioactive waste disposal facilities, without admitting any radioactive waste or used nuclear fuel inside the area, and is for only research purposes. The U.S., Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, Belgium, France, and Japan have in the past operated or are currently operating such facilities in their territories.


The focus of the research facilities will be on specialized manpower training and development of disposal technologies suitable for the domestic geological environment, while also providing the general public the opportunity to experience an environment quite similar to that of a high-level radioactive waste disposal facility. Technologies developed in the facility will be utilized in the process of site selection, construction, and management of the high-level radioactive waste disposal facility upon the legislation of the Special Act on High-Level Radioactive Waste Management.


For siting, a site evaluation committee under KORAD will evaluate the site proposals submitted by local governments in terms of geological suitability and such eight criteria with aim to complete the selection process by the end of the year. Construction is to commence in 2026 with completion targeting 2032, and the operation period is approximately 20 years starting from 2030.


MOTIE and KORAD are holding a briefing on June 25 to explain the site selection process to interested local government bodies. Letters of intent and site proposals, respectively, must be submitted by July 19 and August 2, to KORAD.