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Centers for Korea-U.S. advanced industry and technology cooperation open across top U.S. universities
  • Registration date2024-06-28
  • Attached file

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) launched the Korea-US Advanced Industry and Technology Cooperation Forum 2024 in Washington D.C. and held the opening ceremony of Korea-U.S. Industry and Technology Cooperation Centers at Yale University, Purdue University, Johns Hopkins University, and Georgia Institute of Technology.


The Forum was attended by approximately 200 persons, including MOTIE Minister Dukgeun Ahn, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Commerce Don Graves, representatives of both countries' governments, companies, academia, and research institutions.


Beginning in the latter half of this year, MOTIE will set to work on mid-to-large scale (app. KRW 10 bln), mid-to-long term (5 yrs max) global joint R&D projects in order to secure far-reaching next-generation growth engines as part of the ministry’s ongoing efforts for international cooperation in advanced technology areas. Korean companies expressed strong interest in global technology collaboration, with 247 consortiums entering into competition over this year’s 45 project tasks.


Six more universities will be selected for the establishment of cooperation centers at a total of 12 universities by 2027 in addition to the six previously selected, namely Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Yale University, Purdue University, Johns Hopkins University, Fraunhofer, and Georgia Institute of Technology. The cooperation centers are to be utilized for uncovering promising joint projects for R&D planning and researcher matching between U.S. universities and Korean companies. Each of the selected universities will be assigning coordinators fully in charge of these projects and provide R&D space and other forms of support.


In his welcome address, Minister Ahn highlighted that solidarity and cooperation among friendly nations are essential for responding to the global multicrisis and shared the ministry’s aim to lead the achieve industrial innovation through a solid bilateral technology alliance based on the cooperation centers.