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FDI pledged to Korea in H1 2024 reaches $15.3 bln
  • Registration date2024-07-05
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The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) announced on July 5 that foreign direct investments (FDIs) pledged to Korea in the first half (H1) of 2024 reached USD 15.3 billion, the third highest in record. FDIs that actually arrived in Korea over the same period amounted to $6.9 billion.


As a result of the high base effect from last year’s FDI pledge outcomes from the state visits during H1 2023 ($3.1 billion), this year’s H1 pledges are down by 10.3 percent year-on-year, but still surpass 130 percent of the recent five-year average.


By industry, the manufacturing sector saw a pledged investment of $8.1 billion in the first half of the year, up 6.5 percent. Items that experienced growth were electrical/electronics (up 25.7 percent), machinery/equipment/precision medicine (up 102.6 percent), pharmaceuticals (up 70.6 percent), and other advanced industries and those related to MPE (materials, parts, equipment) sectors. Semiconductors (up 120.7 percent) and bio (up 207.5 percent) saw steep boosts in FDI in this half.


The service sector’s FDI pledges totaled $6.4 billion, down 24.3 percent and occupying 41.8 percent of total FDI. Its growth centered around information and communications (up 25.3 percent), R&D/specialization/science technology (up 10.8 percent), and other sectors with high degrees of economic growth contribution.


By region, FDI pledged from China and other regions, including Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and Malaysia, increased 25.7 percent to $3.9 billion; FDI pledged from Japan rose 18.9 percent to $2.9 billion; FDI commitments from the U.S. surged 17.0 percent to $2.6 billion; and FDI pledged by the EU climbed 12.8 percent to approximately $2.0 billion.


By type, M&A and greenfield investments pledged to Korea both dropped 13.7 percent and 9.1 percent, respectively, to $3.8 billion and $11.5 billion.