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USITC determines Korean aluminum extrusions do not injure U.S. industry
  • Registration date2024-10-31
  • Attached file

The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) announced on October 30 (local time) that its anti-dumping investigation results conclude that aluminum extrusions from 14 countries, including Korea, do not injure a U.S. industry.

The U.S. antidumping investigations consist of the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC)’s countervailing duty (CVD) investigations and the USITC’s import injury investigations. All investigations are terminated once the USITC judges that there is no harm done to a U.S. industry.

Accordingly, the 0–43.56 percent anti-dumping rate previously levied (U.S. DOC, September 27) on imports of Korean aluminum extrusions is terminated, ensuing that Korea’s export of aluminum extrusions and car parts made using them will no longer be subject to impact from risk of cost increases.