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Minister Ahn discusses stronger economic cooperation with U.S.-Korea Business Council Chairman
  • Registration date2024-11-20
  • Attached file

Minister for Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) Dukgeun Ahn of the Republic of Korea met U.S.-Korea Business Council Chairman Evan Greenberg today on the occasion of Chairman Greenberg’s visit to Korea and discussed the two countries’ business and economic cooperation. 

Minister Ahn noted that Korea-U.S. relations are advancing towards an economic alliance centering on semiconductors, batteries, and other high-tech industries based on mutually beneficial cooperation in areas like bilateral trade and investment and asked for the U.S.-Korea Business Council chief’s interest and support towards facilitating the two countries’ investment and cooperation in advanced industries under the new U.S. regime.

Moreover, he shared the Korean government’s plans to strengthen direct and indirect communication with the U.S. government and Congress to prepare against possible shifts in the global trade landscape as well as U.S. trade policies, ensuring government-level support to invigorate discussions on measures for boosting private sector economic cooperation via business council exchanges and other channels.

Chairman Greenberg replied that active efforts will be made to promote communication and cooperation between the two countries’ governments and businesses with an aim to further solidify the Korea-U.S. alliance, concurring on the importance of nurturing an environment favorable to both sides’ businesses to the end of expanding bilateral trade and investment.